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To dream you ſee the ſun and moon very ſhining fignifies riches and honour; but if clipſed croſſesand diſappointments.

To cream of finding ſmall pieces of ſilver denotes diſappointment in trade and buſineſs To dream you ſee a purſe hanging by your bedſide with gold in it ſignifies you will find hidden treaſure.

For a woman to dream another kiſſes her ſignifies barrenneſs. or diſappointment in love. To dream you ſee, and are kindly converſing with, your ſweet-heart, promiſeth marriage.

A young Man's Letter to his Sweet heart.

Dear Madam
The long and conſiderate regard, by which, in deep contemplation, I have eyed your moſt rare and ſingular virtues, joined with ſo admirable beauty, hath moved nie among a number who entirely I know do favour you, earneſtly to love you, and therewith to offer myſelf unto you; notwithſtanding I may ſeem in ſome eyes the leaſt in worthineſs of thoſe that often frequent you; yet you may vouchſafe in the private cabinet of your heart, to accept of me as your obliged ſervant, to honour thoſe rare virtues, which your moſt excellent perſon is adorned with. If ſervent and aſſured love, grounded upon the undecayed ſtay and prop of your virtue; if continued vows and my ſervices; if never ceaſing and tormenting grief, uncertainly, carried by a hazardous expectation, cloſed in the circle of your gracious conceit. whether to bring in the cares of my ſoul, ſweet