Page:New song, called The unco bit want, with the anwer.pdf/2

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I Am a young laſs in my prime,
any age it is juſt twenty-one;
I think it a very fit time
to buckle myſelf to a man
I've baith bread and kitchen nae ſcant,
I gang i the faſhion fu braw;
Yet ſtill I've an unco bit want,
that faſhes me mair than them a'.


For I'm ripe, an' ready, an'a',
ready, an' ripe, an'a';
I wiſh I may get a bit man,
before that my beauty gae wa'.

A' day, as I ſpin wi my mither,
an lilt ower myſel' a bit ſang,
How Laſſess and Lads gang 'the gither,
O firs! but it gars me think lang.
In bed I am like to gang crazy;
I dream, I row, an' I gawnt,
Where I might be lying fu' eaſy,
were't met for this unco bit want.
For I'm ripe, &c.

Young Andrew comes whiles in the glemin',
an draws in a ſtool by my ſide;
But he's ay ſae ſteed for a woman,

that aften his face he maun hide,