Page:New way of Oxter my laddie.pdf/4

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I will never grudge what I have done,
Since my first born is a ſon;
With the pan & the ſpoon he well foſter'd ſhall be,
And his darling daddie yet oxter me, &c.

My laddies he ſent a love-letter to me,
That in ſhort time we married ſhould be;
The ſame I received with heart and good-will.
And hopes for to enjoy my laddie ſtill. &c.

My laddie he ſent me a braw gold ring,
A ſilk gown, ribbons, and o her fine things,
And ay the o'ercome of his tune.
Was, Oxter the bride in the afternoon.

My daddie has my tocher paid,
That very day I was married:
But what's gone & paſt we ne'er can recal,
Yet I'll oxter my laddie in ſpite of them all, &c.

Thirteen maidens all in a row,
That day to the kirk with me did go;