Page:Newspaper writing and editing.djvu/380

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Personal journalism, decline of, 335.

Photographer, staff, 49.

Photographs for newspaper cuts, 49.

Pi, type, 9.

Pica as type measure, 265.

Pied type, 9.

Pittsburgh Gazette-Times, story from, 222.

Planer, 329.

Planing down forms, 329.

Plate, stereotyping, 9.

Platform, political, boxed, 87.

Point system of measuring type, 263.

Police headquarters as news source, 30.

Police news stories, 110.

Political subjects for feature stories, 228.

Politics, news value of, 22.

Position of advertisements, 8.

Practice work, 94, 116, 156, 191, 208, 249, 306.

Press associations, 56.

Presses, newspaper, 10.

Press, proof, 7.

Press room, 3.

Printing newspapers, process of, 9.

Printing presses, newspaper, 10.

Proof correcting, 315.

Proof, example of corrected, 319.

Proof, galley, 7, 315.

Proof, marks for correcting, 316.

Proof, revised, 8.

Proof-reading, 3, 315.

Proof-room, 315.

Punctuation, common errors in, 257.

Pyramid banks in headlines, 274, 276.

Queries, schedule of, 55.

Query, correspondent's, 54.

Questions at beginning of lead, 82.

Quoins, 9, 329.

Quotation marks in copy, 60, 266.

Quotations in lead of news stories, 128.

Quotations, misleading, playing up, 128.

Quotations, verbatim in news stories, 126.

Railroad editor, 5.

Real estate editor, 5.

Receptions, stories of, 169.

Release date on advance stories, 48, 57.

Reporter, ethical problems of, 352, 357.

Reporter, how he gets news, 36.

Reporter, qualifications of, 50.

Reporter, suppression of news by, 53, 352.

Revises, proof, 8.

Rewrite man, 5, 194.

Rewrite stories, 194.

Robberies, news stories of, 110.

Rules, column, 8.

Running stories, 46.

Runs, reporters', 31.

Schedule, make-up, 327.

Schedule of queries, 55.

Science, popularizing in special articles, 227.

Scoop in publishing news, 31, 51.

Second day stories, 43, 201.

Sentence length in news stories, 64.

Sermons, reporting, 126.

Ship news reporters, 30.

Short-hand reporting, 46.

Side heads on news items, 126.

Slang in headlines, 290.

Slang in sporting news, 169.

Slug, compositor's, 328.

Slug, linotype, 10, 11.

Slugging a story, 259.

Society editor, 5, 169.

Society news, 169.

Special articles, 211, 223.

Special articles, style in, 229.

Special articles, subjects for, 225.

Special feature stories, 211, 223.

Speeches, boxed excerpts from, 87.

Speeches, news stories of, 126.

Speeches, reporting, 46, 126.

Speeches, reporting series of, 136.

Sporting editor, 5.

Sporting extra, 11, 327.

Sporting news stories, form of, 161.

Sporting news stories, style of, 169.

Sports, news value of, 22.

State exchanges, news rewritten from, 206.

Statistics at beginning of special articles, 229.

Stereotyped plates, 9, 10.

Stereotyping, 9, 10.

Stereotyping room, 3.

Stick, composing, 265.

Stickful as measure of copy, 265.

Stock company ownership of newspapers, 333.

Stock exchanges, news of, 31.

Stoddart, Alex. McD., articles by, 12, 34.

Stone, composing, 329.

Stories, human interest, 211.

Stories, news, body of, 88.

Stories, news, handling big, 12.

Stories, news, leads for, 66, 69, 75, 110, 128.

Stories, news, style in, 61.