Page:Niagara, a poem - Abraham Moore (1822).djvu/13

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But now the Charon of the nether stream o
Waves his light oar, and wafts us o'er the tide.
With staggering step we scale the rugged side,
Fast by yon lofty ridge; o'er whose broad beam
With stealthy lapse at first the glassy plane p
In one bright sheet descends, then streaming all
With tresses green, that whiten as they fall,
Dash'd to ten thousand dews and dusts of rain,
Breaks on the crags beneath, its rugged floor,
The ruins of its rage; through whose hoarse caves
And countless crannies forced the foaming waves,
'Scaped their Tarpeian pitch,q with fresh uproar
Rush headlong down, and deeper as they swell
The mixt majestic choir, that shakes that wondrous dell.