Page:Niagara, a poem - Abraham Moore (1822).djvu/16

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There lifeless oft the wanderers of the wave
In glittering shoals are seen; there sylvan stores,
Swoln beasts, and fractured beams, which to their shores
Wreck'd from those fatal heights the waters lave,
Or waft promiscuous down, where now between
Their towering banks,u far from the wrath behind,
Hurrying as if dismay'd and dark they wind
Their deep contracted deluge.—Pregnant scene!
Wherein fall'n power its own sad act may trace;
Power, that by bounteous heaven from obscure source
Advanced, with boundless rule and headlong course
Long flows; by ills at times, the rocks of grace,
Check'd, not chastised, still pours its fortunes on,
Wherewith the world resounds, and topples from its throne.