Page:Nihongi by Aston volume 2.djvu/11

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Kanamura no Ohomuraji was appointed Ohomuraji, Kose no Wobito no Oho-omi was made Oho-omi, and Mononobe no Arakahi no Ohomuraji was made Ohomuraji, all being confirmed in their previous offices. Thereupon the Oho-omi and Ohomuraji each entered on their respective offices and ranks.

10th day. Ohotomo no Ohomuraji petitioned the Emperor, saying:—"Thy servant has been informed that it was a principle of government with former sovereigns that without the confirmation of an heir to the throne, it is impossible to give security to heaven and earth. Without the intimacy of the (XVII. 6.) side-courts, it is impossible to continue the calices.[1] For this reason, the Emperor Shiraga, having no heir, sent thy servant's grandfather, Ohomuraji Muruya, to all the provinces to establish three kinds of Shiraga Be [These three kinds were, first, Shiraga Be no Toneri; second, Shiraga Be no Kashihade; third, Shiraga Be no Yugehi], by which his name might remain to after ages. Alas! was not this painful? I pray thee, therefore, to establish the Imperial Princess Tashiraka[2] and take her to thee as Empress. Then send the officials charged with the worship of the Gods of Heaven and Earth to make reverent sacrifice to them, and ask of them an Imperial scion, who shall fully respond to the hopes of thy people." The Emperor said:—"Be it so."

3rd month, 1st day. The Emperor made a decree, saying:—"The Gods of Heaven and Earth must not want a master of their worship; the universe must not fail of a Lord. Heaven produces the nation, and establishes it by means of a supreme ruler, whom it causes to superintend its supply of food, so that each man's life may be preserved. The Ohomuraji, grieving for Our childlessness, has displayed his loyalty towards the State, showing generation after generation a devoted fidelity. Is this simply for the sake of Our own reign?

Let the Imperial Princess Tashiraka be brought to meet me with all due ceremony."

5th day. The Imperial Princess Tashiraka was made Empress, and took the government of the interior (of the

  1. The calyx is that which supports the flower. Hence it is put for an heir to the throne.
  2. Daughter of the Emperor Ninken.