Page:Nihongi by Aston volume 2.djvu/161

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temples, and also of the circumstances under which the priests and nuns embraced religion, with the year, month and day of their taking orders. There were at this time 46 temples, 816 priests, and 569 nuns—in all, 1385 persons.

Winter, 10th month, 1st day. The Oho-omi sent the two Ministers, Adzumi no Muraji and Maro, Abe no Omi, to inform the Empress, saying:—"The district of Katsuraki is my (XXII. 39.) original residence, and I have therefore taken my name from it. I pray accordingly that I may have this district permanently, and I desire that it should be constituted nay fief." Hereupon the Empress made an order, saying:—

"We are sprung from the Soga family. Moreover the Oho-omi is Our uncle by the mother's side. Therefore the words of the Oho-omi, if spoken at night, (are carried into effect by us) before the night has given way to morning; if spoken in the daytime, (they are carried into effect) before the day has become dark. What speech of his have We not attended to? But if now in this Our reign, We were rashly to part with this district, future sovereigns would say, 'A foolish woman ruled the Empire, and rashly lost this district.' Not only should We be accounted unwise, but the Oho-omi would be thought disloyal. Such would be Our ill-fame in ages to come." So she refused.

A.D. 624. 32nd year, Spring, 1st month, 7th day. The King of Koryö sent tribute of a Buddhist priest, named Hyé-kwan. He was appointed Sōjō.

A.D. 625. 34th year, Spring, 1st month. Peach and plum trees blossomed.

3rd month. It was cold, and hoar-frost fell.

Summer, 5th month, 20th day. The Oho-omi died. He was buried in the tomb at Momohara. The Oho-omi was the son of Iname no Sukune. He had a talent for military tactics, and was also gifted with eloquence. He reverenced deeply the Three Precious Things. His house stood on the bank of the river Asuka. A small pond had been dug in the courtyard, and there was a little island in the middle of the pond. Therefore the men of that time called him Shima no Oho-omi.[1]

(XXII. 40.) 6th month. Snow fell. This year from the 3rd to the 7th

  1. The Island Premier.