Page:Nihongi by Aston volume 2.djvu/164

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The Emperor Okinaga tarashi-hi hiro-nuka was the grandson of the Emperor Nunakura futo-dama-shiki,[3] and the son of the Imperial Prince Hikobito no Ohoye. His mother's name was the Imperial Princess Nukade hime.

In the 29th year of the reign of the Empress Toyo-mike Kashikiya hime[4] the Prince Imperial Toyotomimi no Mikoto died. No successor to him had been appointed. In the 3rd month of the 36th year the Empress died. In the 9th month the funeral ceremonies were completed, but no decision as to who should succeed to the throne had yet been come to. At this time Soga no Yemishi no Omi was Oho-omi. He wished to decide the matter of the succession on his sole authority. But apprehending that the Ministers generally would not acquiesce in this, he consulted Abe no maro no Omi, and having assembled all the Ministers, they entertained them in the Oho-omi's house. When the feast was over, and they were about to disperse, the Oho-omi through Abe no Omi addressed the Ministers, saying:—"The Empress is dead, leaving no successor. If measures are not taken promptly, civil disturbances are to be feared. Which, therefore, of the Princes is to be her successor? When the Empress took ill, she commanded the Imperial Prince Tamura, saying:—'The Empire is a great charge, and, of course, not to be lightly spoken of. Do thou

  1. Okinaga is the name of a place; tarashi-hi, suffice-sun, a honorific; hiro-nuke, broad forehead, is no doubt descriptive of the Emperor's appearance.
  2. Extend-brightness.
  3. Bidatsu Tennō.
  4. Suiko Tennō.