Page:Nihongi by Aston volume 2.djvu/184

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(XXIV. 7.) 11th month, 2nd day. There was great rain, with thunder.

5th day. At midnight there was a thunder-clap in the north-west corner.

8th day. It thundered five times in the north-west corner.

9th day. The weather was warm, as in spring.

10th day. Rain fell.

11th day. The weather was warm, as in spring.

13th day. There was a thunder-clap in the northern quarter, and wind sprang up.

16th day. The Empress celebrated the festival of tasting the new rice. On this day the Prince Imperial and the Oho-omi each personally tasted the new rice.[1]

12th month, 1st day. The weather was mild, as in spring.

3rd day. It thundered five times during the day, and twice at night.

9th day. It thundered twice in the east, and there was wind and rain.

13th day. The mourning ceremonies for the Emperor Okinaga tarashi-hi hiro-nuka were begun. On this day, the Shōtoko, Tokudai, Kose no Omi, pronounced a funeral eulogium on behalf of Prince Ohomata. Next the Shōtoko Hosome, Ahata no Omi, pronounced a funeral eulogium on behalf of the Imperial Prince Karu. Next the Shōtoko, Mŭma-kahi, Ohotomo no Muraji, pronounced a funeral eulogium on behalf of the Oho-omi.

14th day. Okinaga no Yamana no Kimi pronounced an eulogium of the Imperial line.

20th day. It thundered three times in the north-east corner.

21st day. The Emperor Okinaga tarashi-hi hiro-nuka was buried on the Hill of Name-hazama.

(XXIV. 8.) On this day the Empress removed her residence to the Palace of Woharida.

One writing says:—"To the temporary palace in the southern courtyard of the Eastern Palace."

23rd day. It thundered once in the night with a splitting noise.

    theory. He may only mean that the weather was unseasonable, without intending to saddle the Empress with the responsibility for it.

  1. They probably celebrated this ceremony in their own houses.