Page:Nihongi by Aston volume 2.djvu/342

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3rd day. Offerings of cloth were made to all the Ahimbe Gods[1] of Heaven and Earth.

(XXIX. 16.) 10th day. Maro, Mononobe no Muraji, of Upper Dai-otsu rank, was sent to Silla as Chief Envoy, and Momotari, Yamashiro no Atahe, of Middle Dai-otsu rank, as Junior Envoy.

11th month, 1st day. On account of the festival of firstfruits, the ceremony of announcing the first day of the month was omitted.

3rd day. Silla sent Kim Chhyöng-phyöng, of Sason rank, to request governance.[2] At the same time, Kim Hoyu, of Keup-son rank, the Tyé-kam, Kim Heum-kil, of Tè-sya rank, and others were sent to offer tribute. The Escort-Envoy Phi Chinna, of Nama rank, and his associate Hopok, of Nama rank, escorted Chhyöng-phyöng and the others to Tsukushi.

In this month seven men of Su-shen[3] arrived in the train of Chhyöng-phyöng and his colleagues.

19th day. The Emperor gave orders to the provinces near the capital to release living things.[4]

20th day. Men were sent to all parts to expound the Kon-kwō-myō Sutra and the Nin-ō Sutra.

23rd day. Koryö sent Ha-u, Chyupu[5] of the After Division, as Chief Envoy, and Tök-pok, Tè-kyöng of the Former Division, as Associate Envoy, to offer tribute. Therefore Silla sent Kim Yang-wön, of Tè Nama rank, to escort the Koryö Envoys to Tsukushi.

It was intended this year to make the capital at Nihiki, and therefore all the rice-fields and gardens within the precincts, public and private property alike, were not cultivated and became totally waste. In the end the capital was not made there. [This passage is omitted in some books.]

A.D. 677. (XXIX. 17.) 6th year, Spring, 1st month, 17th day. There was archery at the South Gate.

2nd month, 1st day. Maro, Mononobe no Muraji, arrived from Silla.

  1. The Ahimbe (for ahi-nihe) was a festival celebrated on the 1st day of the hare in the 11th month. It was, like the nihi-name, which was celebrated a little later, a festival of firstfruits. On this occasion the Emperor first partook of sake, brewed from the new season's rice, which was also offered to the Kami. This ceremony was more particularly associated with certain deities, which were therefore termed the Ahimbe deities.
  2. To ask advice on matters of government (?).
  3. Manchus.
  4. See above, XXIX. 15.
  5. Name of office.