Page:Nihongi by Aston volume 2.djvu/354

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Autumn, 7th month, 1st day. A branch of the tsuki tree[1] west of the Temple of Asuka broke of itself and fell.

5th day. The Emperor went to the house of Ohotomo, Agata no Inukahi no Muraji, and visited him in his illness, bestowing on him great favour, etc., etc.

On this day there was prayer for rain.

8th day. Worship was paid to the Deities of Hirose and Tatsuta.

10th day. A red bird[2] perched on the Southern Gate.

17th day. Komaro, Yenowi no Muraji, was granted the rank of Lower Shōkin.

20th day. Kōchō, priest of the Temple of Asuka, died. The Imperial Princes Ohotsu and Takechi were sent on a visit of condolence.

23rd day. Ihatoko, Miyake no Muraji, of Lower Shōkin rank, died. On account of his services during the year Midzunoye Saru, he was given the posthumous rank of Lower Daikin.

25th day. Prince Toneri, of the 5th rank, who held the joint offices of Nagon[3] and Minister of the Household, took ill and was on the point of death, so the Imperial Prince Takechi was sent to ask after him. He died the next day. The Emperor was greatly shocked, and sent the Imperial Princes Takechi and Kahashima to be present at his temporary interment and to make lament for him. The public functionaries followed their example and made lamentation.

8th month, 5th day. The officials of the department of law[4] gave tribute of auspicious stalks of grain. Beginning on this day, for three days there was rain with floods.

14th day. There was a storm which broke trees and damaged houses.

(XXIX. 29.) 9th month, 9th day. The Emperor visited Asatsuma.

  1. Already mentioned several times.
  2. The red bird is symbolical of the Southern quarter of the Heavens in Chinese astronomy. A favourable omen.
  3. More commonly dainagon, i.e. Great Nagon, a Councillor of State. Defined by the Wamiōshō as Ohoi mono mafusu tsukasa, i.e. "the great official who says things" (who acts as intermediary in communications to the Emperor).
  4. It appears above that one duty of this department was to give judgment respecting claims for promotion.