Page:Nihongi by Aston volume 2.djvu/9

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On the 21st day, the Ohomuraji, Ohotomo no Kanamura, counselled, saying:—"At this moment there is no successor whatever to the throne.[1] Where shall the Empire bestow its allegiance? From ancient times even until now this has been a cause of disaster. Now there is in the district of Kuhada, in the province of Tamba, Prince Yamato-hiko, a descendant in the fifth generation of the Emperor Tarashi-nakatsu-hiko. Let us make the experiment of preparing an armed force to surround his carriage as a guard, and sending to meet him, establish him as our sovereign." The Oho-omi and Ohomuraji all assented, and sent to meet him in the manner proposed. Upon this, Prince Yamato-hiko, viewing from a distance the troops which were sent to meet him, was alarmed and changed countenance. Accordingly he took refuge in a mountain-valley, and no one could learn whither he had gone.

A.D. 507. 1st year, Spring, 1st month, 4th day. The Ohomuraji, Ohotomo no Kanamura, again counselled, saying:—"Prince Wohodo is of an affectionate and dutiful disposition. He is a (XVII. 3.) fit person to take over the Celestial succession. Let us, therefore, courteously offer it to him, and thus continue the prosperity of the Imperial institution." Mononobe no Arakahi no Ohomuraji, with Kose no Wobito no Oho-omi and others, all said:—"On a careful review of the branch descendants, there is no other worthy person but Prince Wohodo."

6th day. Omi and Muraji were sent to Mikuni with emblems of rank, and provided with a palanquin of state to fetch him. The troops to form his guard arrived suddenly in (XVII. 4.) awe-inspiring array, clearing the way before him. Upon this, the Emperor Wohodo remained calm and self-possessed,[2] seated on a chair, with his retainers in order by him, just as if he already occupied the Imperial throne. The envoys, therefore, bearing the emblems of rank, with respect and reverence bowed their hearts, and committed to him the Imperial authority, asking permission to devote to him their loyal service. In the Emperor's mind, however, doubts still

  1. It seems clear, from the fact that on this and a previous similar occasion adoption was not resorted to, that this practice had not yet been introduced from China.
  2. Unlike the other prince, who ran away when he saw the troops approach.