Page:Nil Durpan.djvu/106

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place, make a collection of ten of the poda caste of spearmen I, Mr. Rogue, and you are to go there. The fool, while he has taken his cacha,[1] will not be able to increase the row greatly. He is sick; then how can he go to bring assistance from the Darogah?

Gopi.   The extreme weakness to which these are reduced makes it unnecessary to bring any spearmen: among the Hindus, for a person to die with a rope round his neck, especially within a prison, is very disgraceful; so he is greatly punished by this occurrence.

Wood.   You do not understand this. The rascal is become very happy on the death of his father. He took the advances for a long time only through fear of his father; now that fear is gone, and he will do as he likes. The rascal has given a bad name to my Factory, and I will imprison him tomorrow and keep him along with Mozumdar. If the Magistrate be of the same character with him of Amaranagara, the wicked people will be able to do every thing.

Gopi.   With respect to what they planned about the case of Mozumdar, I cannot say how very terrible it would have been, had not Nobin Bose fallen into this great danger. I cannot say what they still will do. Moreover, as the Magistrate, who is coming, we have heard, is on the side of the ryots; and when he comes to the villages, he brings along with him his tents.—Observing this, we may say, it might occasion great confusion, and also it is somewhat fearful.

Wood.   You are always puzzling me with speaking of fear; the Indigo Planters, in nothing whatever, have any fear. If you don't desire it, leave your business, thou great fool!

Gopi.   Sir, fear comes on good grounds. When the former Dewan was put in prison, his son came to ask for the last

  1. This refers to Nobin Bose. The cacha signifies the piece of cloth kept by the sons on the death of their parents for one month, when the pinda offering to the dead is made.