Page:Nil Durpan.djvu/115

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take food this day, then I shall never take the rice with clarified butter, thus placing the sin of disobedience to the mother on my head; but shall remain without food." On which the mother kissing her son Nobin, said, "My son, I was a queen, now am I become the mother of a king. I would never have been sorry, had I once been able to place his[1] feet on my head at the time when he departed this Life. Did such a virtuous person die an inauspicious death? It is for this reason that I am remaining without food. Ye are the children of this poor woman; looking on you and Bindu Madhab, I shall, this day take for my food the orts of our reverend priest. Do not shed your tears before me." Saying so much, she took Nobin Madhab on her lap as if he were a child of five.

(Aside, cries of sorrow


Enter SABITRI, SOIRINDRI, SARALOTA, ADURI, REBOTI the Aunt of Nobin, and other women of the neighbourhood

There is no fear, he is still alive.

Sabitri.   (Observing Nobin on the point of death.) Nobin Madhab! my son, where, art thou? Oh! Alas!

(Falls senseless).

Soirindri.   (with tears in her eyes.) Oh young Bou, take hold of our mother-in-law; let me once see the Lord of my life, in the fulness of my heart. (Sits near the mouth of Nobin.

Priest.   (To Soirindri.) My daughter, thou art a great lover of thy husband, a woman of constancy; the frame of thy body was created in a good moment. For one who is so entirely devoted to her husband, and who has every thing good on her part, Fortune may give life to her husband again; he is moving his eyes, serve him without fear. Sadhu, remain here till our madam be in her senses.

(Exit Priest

  1. This pronoun "his" stands for Goluk Chunder, the father of Nobin Madhab.