Page:Nil Durpan.djvu/128

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many plates; and she gave this to my Khetro. Ah, the same mistress is now turned mad, and her hands are bound with a rope, because she is slapping her cheeks.

Physician.   Sadhu, bring the stone-mortar, I have the medicine here. (Opens his box of medicine).

Sadhu.   Sir, don't bring out your medicine; just see, how her eyes appear. Ray Churn, come here.

Reboti.   Oh mother! What is my fate now! Oh mother, how shall I forget the figure of Harana! Oh! Oh! Oh! Khetro, Oh Khetro! Khetromany; my daughter! Wilt thou not speak any more, my daughter? Oh! Oh! Oh! (Weeps).

Physician.   Her end is very near.

Sadhu.   Ray Churn, take hold of her, take hold of her (Sadhu Churn and Ray Churn take Khetromony from the bed, and go outside).

Reboti.   I cannot leave my Laksmi of gold to float on the water. Where shall I go? Had she lived with the Saheb, that would have been better. I would have remained at rest by seeing her face. My daughter! Oh, Oh, Oh! (Goes behind Khetro, slapping herself).

Physician.   I die; I die; I die! What pains does the mother bear; it is good not to have a child.

(Exit all


The Hall In The House of Goluk Chunder Basu
Sabitri sitting with the dead body of Nobin on her lap

Sabitri.   Let my dear child sleep; my dear keeps my heart at rest. When I see the sweet face, I remember that other face[1] (kisses). My child is sleeping most soundly. (Rubs the hand over the head of the corpse). Ah! what have

  1. The face of her husband.