Page:Nil Durpan.djvu/207

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having misused the influence of Government from my personal hatred of planters. A more unfounded statement was never written. I have never talked about this unfortunate business, except when pressed on the subject, or to intimate friends. I have never uttered a boasting or a defiant word on the subject. It has been, ever since I became aware of the very different estimate which others were likely to form of the meaning and tendency of the publication from that which I had myself formed, a source of deep and unmixed pain to me. That pain was increased by the feeling that till now my lips were sealed regarding the publication. The imputation of animosity on my part towards planters personally, or towards their interest, I feel, needs no declaimer from me. I believe that the planters among whom I have mixed have ever felt that I have been personally friendly towards them even whilst opposed in some instance to their views; and I believe and trust that I have still preserved friends among the planters of Jessore who will be surprised and even pained at the charge of personal hostility.

While I fully admit that my course in regard to the publication has been a mistaken one, and that I ought not to shrink from owning my mistake or my deep regret for it, I have nothing to reproach my conscience with, or to be ashamed of, as no act or word of mine has been in the remotest degree influenced by the feeling of personal hostility towards the planters which has been most erroneously imputed to me.

The above statement I have made public with a clear conscience, and at as early a dale as was possible, with regard to my peculiar situation and to that of others.

Calcutta, July 27, 1861.(Sd) W.S. SETON-KARR