Page:Nine Ideal Indian Women.djvu/14

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earth and skies and seas, and ruled over all. Wondrous and farseeing were His triple eyes, for before His gaze the Present, Past and Future were ever clear.

This was the ideal of Sati's pure soul and no persuasion could induce her to consent to any other suitor, so in the end Daksha Raj was obliged to yield and the marriage was celebrated, but Daksha Raj was vexed.

After the ceremony Sati accompanied her husband to his home in Kailash in the north of the Himalayas, where Simla 110W stands. Sati lived up there, close to the eternal snows, and she was supremely happy. Beautiful vela (creepers) covered the roof of her cottage. The wonderful rudraksha trees touched and shaded the verandah, Fruit trees grew near the house, and flowers were everywhere, and they bloomed all the year round. The kingly mountain-peaks were like sentinels guarding the beautiful Kailash Bhaban, some with their heads wrapped in fleecy clouds and others with snow helmets. And when Surya, the Sun-God, laid his touch on earth some looked like silver and some were deep sapphire, others purple, others emerald-green and all were beautiful and spoke of God. And the gems that studded the peaks of Kailash scintillated and sparkled and shone for Sati's delight. Lovely, refreshing springs sprang to life in Kailash Bhaban and formed a wonderful lake on which floated the sweet mandara flowers, filling all the air with perfume.

Near to the lake was the picturesque forest of Nandana where graceful deer grazed peacefully and splendid peacocks roamed. Beyond the forest lay another lake Achchoda where pure white lotus floated, rivalling Sati in her fairness and she loved to see them there.

Further away stood the great Mount Kakudman where Mahadeva's bull was born and lived, and Sati loved to wander there and feed the lordly animal and listen to him bellowing in praise of Siva.

Away to the west lay the Aruna Mountain full of precious herbs of gold. and shining red under the wand of Surya, and further away the golden peaks of Sringavan tossed their heads in the air and tried to rival their majestic snow-clad brother, Sarvousadah. Sati loved to stand and watch them all and