Page:Ningpo to Shanghai.djvu/126

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extended north of its present field. News travels so slowly in the interior that fifty miles from Ningpo the mass of the people never heard that that place was in the hands of the English for some time in 1841 and 42; and unless brought more closely to their senses than is now apparent, the present generation of people away from the Northern Consular cities may never hear of the "Second War with China."—I am, Dear Sir, your's truly.

P. S.—Throughout the whole journey I did not see, beyond a few well worn cloth winter Jackets, a solitary yard of foreign fabric. I did not see an offensive weapon of any kind, sword, spear or firelock;—and, none but small footed women crossed our path.—W. T.


The appended wood cut gives an approximation to the tracks out and home. As stated above, the distance and course from Fong-je-how, by the Canal and River Tsien-tang to Fu-yang, had to be guessed at; and the following latitudes and longitudes of the cities visited, as found in the Chinese Repository for 1844, do not coincide with the places laid down on the Southern line.


Sing-chong hien 昌新 in Shou-hing-fu. Lat. 29.32,—Long 120, 50.
山東 or Shing-hien in Shou-hing-fu. Lat. 29.36—Long 120, 42, 47.
Fu-yang hien
富陽 in Hang-chow-fu.* Lat. 30.04, 47,—Long 119, 55, 37.
Ling-ngan hien
臨安 in Hang-chow-fu. Lat. 30.16,—Long 119, 42.
Ngan-kih hien
安吉 in Hu-chow-fu. Lat. 30.40—Long 119, 36.
Hiau-fung hien
孝豐 in Hu-chow-fu. Lat. 30.30—Long 119, 36.
湖州 Departmental city.* Lat. 30.52, 48—Long 119, 52, 54.


* According to French observations.

ERRATUM.—In the Index to Order of Travel, for Department of Hoo-chow in "Kiang-su" read in "Che-kiang."