Page:North Carolina General Statutes (2018) - Chapter 1.pdf/235

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(6) Shelter. - A facility that meets the criteria set forth in G.S. 50B-9 and is funded through the Domestic Violence Center Fund providing shelter to victims of domestic violence, nonconsensual sexual conduct, or stalking
(7) Victim advocate. - A person from a crime victim service organization who provides support and assistance for the victim of a crime during court proceedings and recovery efforts related to the crime.
(8) Volunteer. - An individual who provides any service at a shelter without expectation of receiving and without receiving any compensation or other form of remuneration, directly or indirectly, for the provision of the service. (2010-5 s. 2.)

§ 1-631. Immunity of a domestic violence shelter and any person associated with the shelter concerning torts committed on the shelter’s premises.

(a) Except as provided in subsection (b) of this section, no shelter and no person associated with the shelter is liable in damages in a tort action for any harm that a client or other person who is on the premises of the shelter sustains as a result of tortious conduct of a perpetrator that is committed on the premises of the shelter if the perpetrator is not a person associated with the shelter.

(b) The immunity established by this section does not extend to gross negligence, wanton conduct, or intentional wrongdoing that would other be actionable. (2010-5, s. 2.)

NC General Statutes - Chapter 1