Page:North Dakota Law Review Vol. 1 No. 3 (1924).pdf/4

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Hon. A. G. Burr, Judge of the District Court in the Second District, has in hand the matter of presenting the proposal for the establishment of a Judicial Council, and Hon. Sveinbjorn Johnson, Judge of the Supreme Court, is handling the Re-Compilation Bill.

Individual attorneys have introduced measures of various kinds, seeking to amend the Attorneys’ License and Bar Board Acts, none of which, however, had the endorsement of the Annual Meeting of the Association.

The members of the Association will be interested in knowing that the House of Representatives passed a bill transferring $10,000 from the State Bar Fund to the General Fund of the State; and that the appropriation bill, calling for an appropriation for the Supreme Court Library, of $6,000 was amended so as to provide that this sum, also, should be taken from the State Bar Fund.


In addition to having the careful consideration of the Executive Committee of the Association, this matter had the benefit of the best judgment of an exceptionally strong special committee, chairmanned by Hon. Sveinbjorn Johnson, Judge of the Supreme Court. It was recognized that there was presented a distinct opportunity for service to the State by the Association, and the original plan, which also met with the approval of individual attorneys who stand high in the profession, was to have the work placed under the direct supervision of the Supreme Court, the actual work to be parcelled out to a number of attorneys throughout the State.

Costs of publication figures ran so high, however, that the plan had to give way, and the final result was the introduction of House Bill No. 131, which provides for the publication of a supplement to the Compiled Laws of 1913 by the Lawyers Co-operative Publishing Company, at a cost to the State of $6,000, private copies to sell at $14.00.

In this connection attention is called at this time to possible errors and omissions heretofore discovered by individual attorneys in the context, citations or indexes of previous publications, and the request is made that the same be called to the attention of the Chairman of the Committee, Hon. Sveinbjorn Johnson, to the end that the same may be corrected in the new publication.


One of the most active committees of the Association is that headed by J. P. Conmy of Fargo and which has in charge the matter of legal printing and supplies. By this time, doubtless, every attorney in the State has received from this committee the circular letter, samples and order forms.