Page:North Dakota Reports (vol. 48).pdf/228

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thereby, and not otherwise, purchased from him the said cattle at and for an agreed price of $6,675, and as a condition and as a part of said purchase contract and agreement the said W. H. Walters agreed to deliver to the said defendants all of the said cattle at the said Hunter, Cass county, N. D., the defendants agreeing to pay upon delivery, as aforesaid, for said cattle the sum of $2,000 in cash and the making and delivery of a promissory note and chattel mortgage of the kind and character severally described in the plaintiff's complaint herein.

"That soon thereafter the said W. H. Walters did deliver to the defendants the said cattle, and the defendants in consideration thereof paid to him the said sum of $2,000, and made, executed, and delivered to him a note and chattel mortgage of the general character and description of those mentioned and described in the complaint in this action.

"That in truth and in fact the said cattle, on and immediately prior to the said 8th day of November, 1917, and thereafter, were not as represented, stated, and warranted by the said WV. H. Walters to these defendants, as hereinbefore alleged, and were not in good condition and in perfect health, and were not free from disease, and were not all right, but in truth and in fact were in bad condition and in imperfect health, and were diseased, and a large proportion of them were then and subsequently afflicted with and affected by and had tuberculosis, and were not suitable for the establishment and conducting of a stock breeding and stock sales herd, and were not suitable and could not be used for breeding pure-bred Aberdeen Angus registered cattle and selling the same to persons desiring to purchase cattle of such character and description for breeding and sales purposes.

"That because of the misrepresentations, misstatements, and failure of warranty as to the condition of said cattle and of the health thereof, and because of the fact that said cattle were absolutely unfit and useless for the purpose for which they were purchased, as hereinbefore alleged, the defendants have been and were greatly damaged, and suffered great loss, in that they were compelled to and did pay freight from Pipestone, Minn., to Hunter, N. D., amounting to $45 upon those of such animals purchased, subsequently found to be tubercular, and did feed and care for animals last mentioned, from the time of purchase thereof until quarantined and condemned and slaughtered, at an expense to defendants of $2,260, and did segregate and quarantine all of said cattle for the purpose of ascertaining and determining the condition of each of the in-