Page:North Dakota Reports (vol. 48).pdf/352

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lication of such notices; and legal publications as are now or hereafter may be required by law for said cities, towns and villages, including legal notices and official statements of the schools within such cities, towns and villages, and the statements of banks and other corporations therein; but, in cities, towns or villages where the state, county and municipal official newspaper is published such notices and legal publications as are now or may hereafter be required by law to be published, shall be published in such official newspaper.”

(The italicized portion is applicable to the case in hand by reason of the fact that the Ward County Independent is published in the city of Minot.)

The section quoted above was amended by an initiated measure submitted at the general election in November, 1920. This section, as embraced in the initiated measure, is as follows:

“No. 5. Defining Duties of Such Official Newspaper.—Such official newspaper as shall be chosen by the voters in said county as the state, county and municipal official newspaper therein, shall publish all official proceedings of the board of county commissioners in said county and all other notices and publications that are now required by law to be published by county officers; all publications of every nature that are now, or may hereafter be, required to be published by state officers, elective or appointive. Provided, however, that in organized cities, towns and villages where no official newspaper is published, said city, town, or village board, council or commission may designate an official newspaper for the publication of such notices and legal publications as are now or hereafter may be required by law for said cities, towns and villages, including legal notices and official statements of the schools within such cities, towns and villages, but in cities, towns or villages where the state, county and municipal official newspaper is published such official notices and legal publications as are now or may hereafter be required by law to be published, shall be published in such official newspaper.”

The text of the original section was not changed in the initiated measure, except that in the latter certain matters such as summons, citations, orders, and other process in court proceedings, foreclosure notices, and corporation statements were omitted, so that their publication would not be required in the official newspaper. The initiated measure was carried in the general election.

In the legislative session of 1921 the following statute was enacted: