Page:North Dakota Reports (vol. 48).pdf/381

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“That at all times since September 8, 1911, the Farmers’ Co-operative Creamery Company was a corporation organized and existing under and by virtue of the general laws of the state of North Dakota relating to corporations, having its principal place of business at Burnstad, Logan county, N. D., where it was engaged in the operation of a creamery belonging to it, and in the purchase of cream and the manufacture and sale of butter.

“That on or about the date of the organization of said corporation, the defendant, Charles Hernett, was appointed treasurer by its board of directors, and from that date until about October, 1915, continued to act as treasurer for said corporation, to collect, receive, and hold all funds and moneys belonging to said corporation, including subscriptions to the capital stock of the same and the income resulting from the operation of said creamery and the sale of its products.”

The complaint further alleges:

“That on or about March 9, 1918, an action was commenced by the Attorney General for the dissolution of the said Farmers’ Co-operative Company, on the ground, among others, that it was insolvent; that in said action an order was made on May 14, 1918, appointing the above-named plaintiff as receiver of said corporation; that he qualified and entered upon the discharge of his duties as such receiver, and now is acting as such.

“That during the period from his appointment as treasurer of said Farmers’ Co-operative Creamery Company about the 8th day of September, A. D. 1911, as aforesaid, until and after October, 1915, said defendant, Charles Hernett, in his capacity as treasurer of said corporation, received into his hands all moneys and funds belonging to said organization, in sums aggregating $10,000 or more; that during said period said defendant paid out upon the operating expenses of said creamery, and upon other accounts of indebtedness against said corporation, sums of money, the exact amount of which has not been disclosed to and is not known to this plaintiff; that said defendant has not at any time rendered to the board of directors of said corporation a true and correct account of the sums of money so received from him, or the sums disbursed by him; that from the best information procurable by plaintiff, from the accounts, papers, letters, and files of said corporation, there has been received by said defendant, as treasurer of funds and moneys belonging to said corporation, over and above all expenditure, a sum aggregating