Page:North Dakota Reports (vol. 48).pdf/456

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premises for said stolen car and to bring it forthwith before me (the magistrate) at my office in the city of Minot." Under that warrant the chief of police made return thus:

"I made search of the premises and took into my custody one Buick roadster and one Buick Six touring car."

Then one Della Marsh proved that she owned the Buick Six and it was released to her. Now it appears the Buick roadster was taken from the possession and the garage of E. F. Tuepker, and on his affidavit the writ of certiorari was issued. The affidavit was made on August II, 1921, and it shows, among other things, that the police officers took and retained possession of said roadster and used it as their own car, and that they failed to make an inventory of the car and failed to deliver any inventory to said Tuepker, from whose possession he took it; that the magistrate failed to take any testimony in regard to the facts stated in such warrant or to reduce the same to writing, and that in several other respects the magistrate and police officers wholly failed to comply with the law; also that the police officers did remove from the car the license tags and an extra tire, which they used on other automobiles.

The writ of certiorari commands respondents to certify and return to the district court of Ward county all the records and proceedings in regard to the Buick roadster, and in the meantime to desist from using the same. By statute-§ 8445, Comp. Laws 1913 (Laws 1919, c. 76)- the writ of certiorari may be granted by the Supreme Court and any district court when inferior courts, officers, boards, or tribunals have exceeded their jurisdiction and there is no appeal, nor, in the judgment of the court, any other plain, speedy, and adequate remedy, also when it is deemed necessary to prevent a miscarriage of justice. If it appeared to the district judge, as we presume it did, that the search warrant was issued without a proper showing, that no proper return was made to the magistrate or judgment rendered by him, and that the parties taking the roadster were using it as their own, that was cause sufficient for issuing the writ. By the Constitution unreasonable searches and seizures are forbidden. A warrant of seizure may not issue but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, particularly describing the place to be searched and the person or thing to be seized. § 18. Respondents object that certiorari is not the proper remedy, and that a replevin suit would be a much better remedy, but to such a suit a valid objection would