Page:Northern Antiquities 2.djvu/56

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( xl )

N. B. Resennius’s Edition of the Edda, &c. consists properly of Three distinct Publications: The First contains the whole Edda: Viz. not only the XXXIII Fables, which are here translated; but also the other Fables, (XXIX in number) which our Author calls in pag. 183. the Second Part of the Edda, though in the original they follow without interruption; and also the Poetical Dictionary described below in pag. xix. and 189, which is most properly the Second Part of the Edda. (vid. p. xix.)

The Title Page of this whole Work is as follows,

Edda Islandorum An. Chr. M.CC.XV Islandicé Conscripta per Snorronem Sturlæ Islandiæ Nomophylacem, Nunc primum Islandicé, Danice et Latiné ex Antiquis Codicibus MSS. Bibliothecæ Regis et Aliorum in lucem prodit, Opera et Studio Petri Resenij. J. V. D. Juris ac Ethices Professoris Publ. et Consulis Havniensis, &c. Havniæ, M.DC.LX.V.” 4to.

The Second Work is thus intitled,

Philosophia Antiquissima Norvego-Danica dicta Uoluſpa, quæ est pars Eddæ Sæmundi, Edda Snorronis non brevi antiquioris, Islandicé et Latiné publici juris primum facta à Petro Joh. Resenio. &c. Havniæ M.DC.LXV.” 4to.

The Third Piece is intitled thus,

Ethica Odini pars Eddæ Sæmundi vocata Haavamaal, una cum ejusdem Appendice appellato Runa Capitule, a multis exoptata nunc tandem Islandicé et Latiné in lucem producta est per Petrum Joh. Resenium, &c. Havniæ 1665.” 4to.