Page:Norwegian Constitution.djvu/13

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office, as being responsible of the expedition's conformity with the register in which the decree has been inserted.

§. 36.

The next heir to the crown, if he be a son of the reigning King, shall have the title of Kronprinds til Norge (Crown-Prince of Norway). The King's other sons who are entitled to the crown shall have the title of Princes and the Kings's daughters that of Princesses.

§. 37.

As soon as the heir to the crown has attained to an age of eighteen years, he is entitled to take seat in the Council of State; but he shall have no vote, nor shall he be responsible.

§. 38.

No Prince of the royal blood must leave the Kingdom, marry or enter into foreign service without permission from the King. If he act against this he forfeits his right to the crown.

§. 39.

The royal Princes and Princesses shall, as for their persons, not be responsible to others than to the King or to whom he may appoint their judge.

§. 40.

If the heir to the crown be absent at the King's death, and he be not prevented by insurmountable obstructions, he