Page:Norwegian Constitution.djvu/19

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§. 56.

Before the elections begin, the Constitution shall be audibly read, in the towns by the chief Magistrate, in the country by the parson.

§. 57.

In the towns one elector is chosen for each 50 voting inhabitants. These electors meet within 8 days after, at the place appointed by the Magistrate, and elect either from among themselves or among the other voting members in their respective district of election a fourth part of their own number, to meet and take seat at the National Assembly, in such a manner that 3 to 6 choose one, 7 to 10 two, 11 to 14 three, 15 to 18 four, which is the greatest number a town is allowed to send. If a town have less than 150 inhabitants entitled to vote it sends its elector to the next town, in order to vote together with the electors of this, in which case both the towns are regarded as one district.

§. 58.

In each parish in the country the inhabitants entitled to vote choose in proportion to their number electors in the manner following: A number from 1 to 100 choose one, from 100 to 200 two, from 200 to 300 three and so on in the same proportion. These electors meet within a month after that time, at a place appointed by the Amtmand (Chief Justice of the bailiage), for that purpose, and then either choose from