Page:Norwegian Constitution.djvu/38

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Address from the Deputies of the people of Norway about the conferring the Norwegian crown upon the Regent of Norway, His Royal Highness, Prince Christian Frederik.

We the signed, Deputies from the Kingdom of Norway, make hereby known, that, according to the desire of the people and to the proclamation of Your Royal Higness, we have-joined, pursuant to our full-powers, in order to draw up a fundamental law for the Kingdom of Norway, so as to the best of our judgment we should think it most beneficial to the Kingdom. To that effect, we have endeavoured to distribute the sovereign power, in such a manner, that legislation is deposited into the hands of the people, and the executive power into the hands of the King.

Having finished this fundamental law, it became a dear and sacred duty to us to elect a King, who, by the wisdom and energy of his government, was able to ensure and support the safety, welfare and glory of the Kingdom.

The Deputies of the Norwegian people could not hesitate a moment whom they should select to this elevated and important post. Confidence, gratitude and love equally forced us to fix our regards on Your Royal Highness. You arrived among us in the time of danger and misery. With the most constant zeal You always directed your actions and thoughts to the benefit of the country; You inseparately tied Your fate to ours, and, as Regent of the country, You have expressed no less a regard to the rights of the people than zeal for the promoting of its prosperity and glory.