Page:Norwegian Constitution.djvu/8

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criminal may choose whether he will accept the King's pardon or submit to the punishment imposed.

In the law-suits caused to be commenced by the Section of the National Assembly called Odels-Thing before the Court of State, no other pardon but dispensation from pain of death must be granted.

§. 21.

The King, after hearing the declaration of his Council of State, elects and appoints all civil, ecclesiasticai and military functionaries. These shall swear to be faithful and obedient to the Constitution and the King.

The royal Princes must not be invested with civil offices.

§. 22.

The Members of the Council of State and the functionaries appointed in its offices, embassadors and consuls, the superior civil and ecclesiasticai magistrates, the chiefs of regiments and of other military bodies, governors of fortresses and commanders of ships of war may be discharged by the King, without any previous judgment, after hearing the declaration of his Council of State. How far pension or annuity may be allowed the functionaries thus discharged shall be decided by the National Assembly next sitting. In the mean time they shall enjoy the two thirds of their former salary. The other functionaries may only be suspended by the King, after which they shall immediately be