Page:Nostalgia (Deledda 1905).djvu/59

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meat, and art is art. But come in ; sit down ; amuse yourself with these papers, dear. I'll be with you in a moment, and then you'll give me that information about female benevolence in Mantua."

" Leave her in peace," said Antonio, as before.

" Don't you interfere with me ! There's no one cares for your wife so much as I do. Why, I adore her ! Do you hear," she repeated, turning to Regina, " I adore you. It seems as if I'd known you for years. If for no other reason I love you because of your queenly name. By the way, have you seen the queen yet ? "

" Of course ! in my dreams last night."

" True ; you only arrived last night. Still, you've had time. Where did you go this morning ? To the Colosseum ? Ah ! I adore the Colosseum ! I'd like to live in it ! Have you read Quo Vadis ? What ! you have not ? and it's the finest of all modern books ! I'll make you read it. I'll make you read all sorts of books. I'll introduce you to ever so many authors. I'll take you to intellectual circles, artistic gatherings, to lectures, to wherever one may live not by bread alone "

" Are we to have bread alone here ? " asked Antonio, in feigned alarm ; " well, whatever you do, you're not to make Regina write for your paper."

" Why not ? "

" I'd kill you have you taken up ! "

Regina laughed, and Arduina disappeared again into the kitchen.

When they were alone Antonio pulled Regina to the looking-glass. " We mayn't be beautiful," he said, kissing her, " but we make a good group. Look, my queen, and laugh ; laugh as you used ! You don't know what dumps I fall into when I see you displeased."