Page:Not understood - and other poems (IA notunderstoodoth00braciala).pdf/38

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Not Understood

Were death the climax, then ’twere better fate
  To browse the peaceful hills, a careless beast,
Or nestle with some tuneful feathered mate
  In some green glade, nor look past Nature’s feast
For happiness, nor dream of future state,
  Than be their king—the greatest, yet the least.

Shall all our dreamings of a brighter day—
  Shall all our longings for a purer light,
Shall all our aspirations end in clay?
  Shall all our hopes be plunged in endless night,
And shall the soul be blind for ever ? Nay!
  Death cannot veil its strong celestial sight.

Annihilation! Philosophic lie!
  Thou canst not rob us of our rightful claim
To share our Father’s mansion up on high;
  God is a Spirit, and from Him we came.
His breath is in us, it can never die;
  Emancipation is death’s better name.