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And Other Poems.

The swift electric swords of heaven flashed from each sable sheath,
And shiv’ring poplars humbly bent to kiss the shrubs beneath.

“The tempest marched triumphantly along its gloomy path,
And e’en the oak obeisance made to Nature in her wrath;
Yet all the dear ones laugh’d and joked within our home, and I
Received that night a silver crown, for Christmas time was nigh.

“But hark! a low knock at the door disturbed our mirth and glee,
And I ran forth to open it—‘For Christ’s dear sake, help me;
My little ones are starving, we are hungry, weak, and cold,
Oh, help us, boy, and may God keep you ever in His fold.’

“A wretched, ragged creature, with her little starv’lings four,
Made this appeal, as, cold and wet, they shivered at our door;
I thought not of the Nazarene’s impressive Love command,
Young impulse urged me, and I placed my crown within her hand.

“She threw herself upon her knees, whilst tears sprang from her eyes,
And raising up her hands in prayer, and looking to the skies,