Page:Notable Irishwomen.djvu/111

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Lady Morgan.

("The Wild Irish Girl,")


IF anyone might be considered to belong to Dublin, it is Lady Morgan. She was born in Dublin, her childhood and girlhood were spent there; she went to school at Clontarf; her first novel was published by Mr. Brown, of Grafton Street, and the greater part of her married life was spent at 35 Kildare Street. She is numbered among the notabilities of her native city in Charles Lever's well-known lines—

"Och, Dublin, sure, there is no doubtin',
 Bates ivery city on the say;
'Tis there you find O'Connell spoutin',
 And Lady Morgan makin' tay! "

She tells us in her Autobiography that she was born on a certain Christmas morning—she absolutely refuses to give the year, adding, "dates, what has a woman to do with dates? I mean to