Page:Notable Irishwomen.djvu/182

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The child's voice that came from that woodbine-covered arbour was destined in after years to stir hundreds of thousands, not only in her native Ireland, but in Italy, America, Australia, even in the remote Sandwich Islands. It was the first scene in the life drama of Catherine Hayes's eventful life—not a long life was hers—it was as the life of roses that bloom only for a day. Thirty-six years, and it was ended, but what years were they, years of inspiring work, crowned by success, giving joy to thousands and sorrow to none!

Catherine Hayes was born at No. 4 Patrick Street, Limerick, on the 29th October, 1825. Her parents belonged to a very humble rank in life; we hear nothing of her father, only of her mother and a sister, Henrietta. Little Kitty was a delicate, reserved child, and rather shrank from the rough games of the other children. Her great delight was to steal away to an old relative, who was in the service of the Earl of Limerick. Lord Limerick's town mansion was then in Henry Street, near the Bishop's Palace or See House, as it was sometimes called. The gardens attached to those houses stretched in parallel lines down to the river's edge, and were remarkable for their beauty. The woodbine-covered arbour was Catherine Hayes's favourite retreat. A lady in the town, who understood music, took a fancy to her, and used to teach her ballads. One day she played a shake on the piano, and