Page:Notable Irishwomen.djvu/194

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Dr. Tisdall has most kindly supplied a copy of the following letter, the original of which was given to him by Doctor Joy, who accompanied Catherine Hayes as her agent and secretary through the United States. It is unusually interesting, as it refers to her triumphs in New York and other centres:—

"Clarendon House, N.Y., November 2, 1851.

"My dear Mr. Beale,—At last I take up my pen to write, thanking you for your two kind letters, which, I need hardly say, gave me very great pleasure. Since my arrival in this mighty country, I have been kept very busy, one way or other—indeed, so much so, that I fear all my friends on the other side of the Atlantic will think I have forgotten them, which is not the case. Want of time alone has occasioned my silence. You have already heard, from Dr. Joy, the good news of my success. I can, without vanity, tell you that my début has been great—indeed, all you could have wished. We longed for you on the first night of my concert. 'It would have done your heart good,' as we say in old Ireland, to hear the outbursts of applause with which I was received. It was, indeed, overpowering. But, enough of this. You know, or at least can imagine, it all, so I shall not weary you with repetitions. I was delighted to learn, from your second letter, that dear Mrs. Beale has recovered from her recent attack. I trust you all