Page:Notable Irishwomen.djvu/197

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first song he ever composed, which was sung by Catherine Hayes, the Irish nightingale:—

"The composition occurred in this way. Catherine Hayes had returned to Ireland after a long tour in Australia, India, and America. I had composed a song suitable to the occasion, with the above title. I was but a young lad at the time, so taking the song with me, I waited on her one morning at Morrison's Hotel, and having obtained an interview, she asked me to play it over for her. She then sang it and so delighted was she with it, that she ran out of the room, bringing back several members of the company to hear it, who all were loud in their praises.

"It was then and there arranged she would sing it the following evening as a 'surprise song at the short concert following the opera. Accordingly it was carried out in this way. She had sung The Last Rose of Summer, and, as usual, delighted all; cheers and encores of course, followed. Catherine Hayes remained very quiet until a lull took place, then, turning to the accompanist, who played the opening bars, she rushed to the footlights, and with outstretched arms, impassionately broke out into the opening strain, 'I breathe once more my native air,' ending with a brilliant cadenza and her marvellous shake on the final words, 'Home of my heart.' The effect was magical—description fails. I occupied an humble