Page:Notable Irishwomen.djvu/20

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Dublin days, from the Memoirs of George Anne Bellamy, the popular actress, who was then on a professional visit to Ireland. She says in the stilted, artificial style prevalent in those days:—

"As I was returning one day from rehearsal at the bottom of Britain Street I heard the voice of distress. Yielding to an impulse of humanity I overleaped the bounds of good breeding, and entered the house from whence it proceeded. When I had done this, led by irresistible attraction, I entered without ceremony the parlour, the door of which was guarded by persons not at all suited to those that were within. I here found a woman of most elegant figure, surrounded by four most beautiful girls, and a sweet boy of about three years of age. After making the necessary apologies for my abrupt intrusion, I informed the lady that as the lamentations of her little family had reached my ears as I passed by, I had taken the liberty to inquire if I could render her any assistance.

"Mrs. Gunning, for that was the lady's name, rose immediately from her seat, and calling me by my name, thanked me for my offer of assistance, complimenting me at the same time for possessing such humane sensations. She then informed me that, having lived beyond her income, her husband had been obliged to retire into the country to avoid the disagreeable consequences that must ensue; that she had been in hopes that her