Page:Notable Irishwomen.djvu/71

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brothers called in, and, willing to show my dexterity, I began to work, when suddenly I recollected it was First day! Alarmed at what I had done, I laid down my work in dismay, and went to my favourite window in the garret, which commanded a pretty view. While I was thus solacing my eyes and comforting my heart, the window-sash fell on my neck and made me a prisoner. I roared with all my might. My aunt heard the cries, which, being outside the house, made her fear that one of us had fallen into the Sconce. She ran about, greatly terrified, to search for us while the continued wailings resounded in her ears. At length, finding that no one came to the rescue, I made a desperate effort and disengaged myself, having escaped with a bruised neck and a scratched face. I fully believed that this accident had befallen me because I had broken the Sabbath."

Mary and some of her father's pupils used to plant their teeth when they dropped out, in the fond hope that some marvellous growth, like that of the teeth of Cadmus, would be the result.

Behind the house and garden was a large yard, with two squares of grass for the boys to play on. A broad walk reached from the garden gate to the old border of yew at the upper end of the kitchen garden, in which were planted several apple trees. "So far as the walk continued