Page:Notable South Australians.djvu/168

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composer:—"The facility in composition of Signor Squarise, the violinist and band-conductor, is well-known in Adelaide, although his residence here has been but brief. Violin concertos, played by himself on a single string, caprices for the pianoforte, waltzes, dramatic compositions like 'The Battle of Sedan,' not to mention arrangements of operatic selections for his brass band, have proceeded from his pen in a manner which does credit alike to his industry and his musical taste. His last composition is an 'Ave Maria,' and was sung for the first time publicly at the morning service at the Roman Catholic Cathedral on Sunday. It was really a fine composition. The somewhat novel effect in a church of a harp obbligato was introduced, the harmony being filled in by the organ. The composition was so well worth hearing that it is to be hoped it will form an item on a concert programme at no distant date." Signor Squarise is at present engaged in composing an English Grand Opera, entitled "The Magic Dice," in conjunction with Mr. Rudolph Menz.

James Walter Smith, LL.D.,

IS the son of a country gentleman, and was educated at Shrewsbury School, and at Balliol College, Oxford. He graduated B.A. at that University in 1852, and during the next year took the degree of LL.B. in the University of London; was called to the Bar at the Inner Temple, and entered upon the practice of his profession. In 1856, when but 25 years of age, he took the Degree of Doctor of Laws at the University of London, being awarded the Gold Medal for special proficiency, (an honor which had only been twice previously conferred). In the long vacations and intervals of leisure permitted by his practice, he wrote and published a series of short popular treatises on various branches of the law, all of which enjoyed an unprecedentedly large sale in