Page:Notable South Australians.djvu/198

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"The Condition of the Working Classes in the Bush;" "The Burra and its Peculiarities;" "Farming Jumbles;" "Farming Colloquies," and many others. Who knows that the suggestions which these contained may not have led to the establishment of the Bushmen's Club, or even of the now flourishing Agricultural College? Mr. Novice considers that in the latter the core of South Australia's future stability is forming. He is now devoting his leisure to experiments with the steam-engine, and is writing up the theory to expose with other errors that "air pressure" is only attraction, and that gravity, or weight, will be only density in future scientific teachings.

Herr Christian Reimers

WAS born in Altona (near Hamburg), June 19, 1827, and received his musical instruction from a plain but practical master, and by concerted playing with other pupils developed his talents as Violoncellist, principally in chamber-music. With equal abilities in the drawing-class and sculpturing (which latter elicited the attention of the celebrated Dannecker) he struggled on until the success of his first public solo on the violoncello decided his musical career. The sudden death of his parents required the careful use of means left at his disposal, and he went in his 19th year to Leipzig. Here he was connected with all the principal celebrities, except Mendelssohn. His drawing created a great sensation, as he exhibited much skill in producing portraits from memory. After a half-year's concert tour with an eminent pianist (H. Enke), he was invited to Düsseldorf by Rob. Schumann, whose warm and friendly sympathy brought him in contact with the most famous artists, such as Jenny Lind, Franz Liszt, Joachim Brahme, Sterndale Bennett, and others. In 1854 Ferd. Hiller took him as Prof, of the 'cello to the