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tendent, which position he retained until the railway was leased in 1871. On retiring from the position, he was presented with a public testimonial In 1872 he was appointed Town Surveyor of the Municipality of Moonta, and also Superintending Surveyor of the Peninsula Road Board, which position he now holds. His eldest son, Mr. James W. Jones, born in the colony, is in the Government Service as Conservator of Water.

Archibald Watson, M.D., F.R.C.S., Eng.,

PROFESSOR of Anatomy at the Adelaide University, is a Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of England (exam.), Doctor of Medicine of the Faculties of Paris and Goettingen, Corresponding Member of the Anthropological, Clinical, and Anatomical Societies of Paris, Australian Editor of the International Journal of Anatomy and Physiology; Pathologist to the South Australian Government and the Adelaide Hospital. He is the eldest son of Mr. Sydney Grandison Watson, of Tintaldra, Upper Murray, Victoria,and was born in Riverina in 1849. Dr. Watson received the principal part of his education at the Scotch College, Melbourne, under Dr. Morrison, where he invariably carried off all the Scriptural prizes, obtaining also in one year the first prize for Gymnastics, Chemistry, Mathematics, and Natural History. Charing Cross Medical School, likewise the mater gloriosa of Professor Huxley, President of the Royal Society, was that also of Dr. Watson, who dates his love of anatomy to the viva vox of his former teacher. Dr. James Cantlie, MA., etc., of Aberdeen, surgeon to Charing Cross Hospital, so-well known as a public lecturer and in connection with the Volunteer Ambulance movement in England. In London Dr. Watson enjoyed also the privilege of sitting at the feet of Sir Joseph Lister and Mr. Jonathan