Page:Notable South Australians.djvu/357

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E. SAWTELL. TEB OLDEST AMP HOST KXPEBIBNOBD ITITatcliinalsor and Opticiiaii IN ADELAIDE. I Knowledge of the trade gained from seven years' appmnticeship io England, and fifty years' experience in either actual working at the board or superintending others doing so. Inventor of Several Mechanical Kovelties. High-class Watches, Clocks and Physical Apparatus in Stock, And repaired, under E. Sawtill's personal supervision, by skiUvl- workmen who have faithfully served their apprenticeship in England. Spberico-cylindrical Lenses actually ground on the premises to the Adelaide Oculists* Orders. Spectacles fitted on the Dioptric System. Patronised by Koyalty, the South and West AustraUan G-OT^m* ments, and specially appointed to their Excellencies the Governors of both these Provinces. 3 R U I^TdTe^^STR E E T. Professor of Draw^ing, ALIX HOUSE, SOUTH TERRACK, ADELAIDE; Or Victoria Chambers, Flinders Street. Iniounli S]iun Siw Ul ul Ibbn Tad. W. EHMCKE & GAETJENS. A Large and WelUAssvrtei Stock of Building. Material, Corru- gated and Plain Galvanized Iron, Cement, Zine, Nails, Screws, Gutters, &e,, always on hand, TUMBRT, SPOKES, SHAFTS, NATES, FELLOEa Jtoady-made Doors and Windows, Country Orders executed with Despatch. w 2