Page:Notable South Australians.djvu/359

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THE Bunyip, Gawler Times, AND Standard, ARE NOW INCORPORATED. WILLIAM BARNET, Proprietor, Gh J^ "VT- Xi E E, - Is the Oldest and Best Provincial Paper in South Australia. LARGE CIRCULATION IN TOWN AND COUNTRY. Scale of Charges for Adyertisements. TWO Lines, One Shilling ; Three Lines, One Shilling and Sixpence ; Four Lines, Two Shillings ; Five Lines, Two Shillings and Sixpence ; Six Lines, Three Shillings ; and every additional line, Fourpence. Liberal Discount on repeated insertions. Subscription. Single Copy, Id.; per Quarter (in advance). Is.; ditto (booked). Is. 6d.; per Annum (in advance), 4s. Postage extra. Advertisers. All orders should be legibly written on the face or back of Advertisements; and where no order is given, Advertisements will be continued until countermanded or out ' of date. Orders for discontinuance cannot be attended to after Thursday morning. X