Page:Notable South Australians.djvu/68

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"Mr. Dunn is a practical gentleman, and a good man of business; a man of plain common sense, without any crotchets, and he may be expected to vote right as a rule," &c. Mr. Dunn's extensive business engagements prevent him from taking any prominent part in Parliament. A parliamentary critic, in commenting on the individual members of the House, says:—"The Hon. J. Dunn is a capital story-teller. You would hardly think it to look at him, but he has a keen appreciation of humour. He speaks so quietly and so quaintly that you do not expect jokes from him till you know his style. You would as soon expect a facetious remark from the statue of Carlyle; but with those who are familiar with Mr. Dunn there are current traditions of many a jolly trip with the unassuming Miller Prince." Though his time is devoted to business, he also renders good service to the public interests in many ways, and with hand and purse is ever ready to give assistance when and where it is really needed.

James Elliott, J.P.,

EDITOR and part proprietor of the Kapunda Herald. Arrived with his brother in Adelaide, in 1852. Was chairman of the Hospital Board, Vice-President of the Institute, member of the School Board of Advice, the Horticultural Society, and Dutton Park Committees, and Director of the Marble and Building Company, all of Kapunda. He was closely connected with the Friendly Societies, and Past-master of the Masonic Lodge. Mr. Elliott devoted himself with great zeal and intelligence to the work of conducting the paper of which he was editor, and his articles were always well written and distinguished by their smartness and piquancy. He was the real founder of Dutton Park and the Kapunda Hospital; both institutions owing their origin, to