Page:Notable South Australians.djvu/89

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Rev. Geo. W. Patchell, M.A.,

BORN in Ireland, April, 1832. Entered as probationer W into the ministry of the Wesleyan Church, in Ireland, in 1857. Arrived in Adelaide in 1866, and was from that period up to the time of his death fully employed in preaching in the several "Wesleyan circuits of this colony. He took part in the proceedings of the Conference of January 9, 1883; and whilst speaking in favour of Bible-reading in State Schools, was suddenly seized with apoplexy, and shortly after expired. After his decease a Patchell Relief Fund was initiated, with good results, to aid the widow and family of the deceased.

Geo. Duck Wyatt,

A COLONIST of thirty-two years, having landed at Portland in 1853. He was for twenty-seven years a resident of Mount Gambler, occupied a seat in the Gambler West District Council, was member of the first and second Town Councils, and served as Mayor in 1878 and 1879, since which period he has taken but little part in public matters. He died March 14, 1885, aged 67 years.

Mary Thomas,

RELICT of the late Robert Thomas, was a true type of the dauntless, faithful, and patient sisterhood who followed their enterprising husbands from comfortable homes in the old country, to form a habitation in the wilderness. She came out in the "Africaine," with her husband and family in 1836, and proved herself, throughout a long and eminently useful life, a woman of noble nature and purest aspirations. Patient, pious, and high-minded, she was regarded with filial affection by the young, and reverenced