Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - General Index.djvu/116

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Clergy in wigs, x. 16. Common hangman, viii.

336. Cooke (Sir Anthony), his wife, viii. 75. County tales, ii. 111. Coxe of Clent and Swyn- ford, x. 115. Cromwell (Oliver), his head, xi. 390. Cross-legged knights, v. 314. ' Curse of Seaforth,' v. 233. Death after lying, x. 376. De Keleseye or Kelsey family, iii. 255. Demont (Matthew Diamondbuld), viii. 69. Diabolo : lorio, viii. 374. Dickens and the lamplighter's ladder, ix. 430. Dog-names, ii. 234, 470. Dover Pier, v. 418. Duel, last, with swords in England, xii. 378, 478. Dutton and Seaman families, vii. 266. Dwight surname, vi. 376. Eburne's ' Plaine Pathway,' 1624, viii. 410. Effigies of heroic size in churches, viii. 433. Epitaph at Wye, Kent, vi. 187. Estates held by peculiar tenures, ix. 197. Family societies, ix. 486. Fencible Regiment, v. 337. Fenner family, vi. 350. Finnis Street, x. 15. Fisher (Rev. Samuel), i. 156. Flaying alive, i. 155. Fleetwood (Bishop) W., ix. 232. Flintwinch (Affery), v. 78. ' Folkestone Fiery Serpent,' x. 508. Fonts, desecrated, ii. 254. Fyninore (R. J.) on Fettiplace, i. 473. GUI (Capt. Charles), R.N., x. 50. Glencoe massacre, vii. 287. " Going a-gooding," iv. 527. Gower, a Kentish hamlet, xi. 95. Grey (Lady Mary), ii. 405. Hamlet as a Christian name, viii. 155. Harvey's birthplace, x. 9, 174. Here- ditary Herb-strewer to Royal Family, xii. 354. Hewson (Sir John), vi. 373. Hill (Benson Earle), iii. 472 ; iv. 114. Hogarth's House, Chiswick, xii. 486. Howard (Sir George), field -marshal, vii. 235. Hudson (Henry), his descendants, iv. 357. Huntingdon (Earl of), v. 487. Hutchinson (Col.) and San- down Castle, viii. 190. Isles family, viii. 17. Iver, Bucks : Gallyhill, viii. 77. Ivy Lane, Strand, v. 175. Jacobite wineglasses, i. 293. Jenkyn, Little John, &c., v. 155. Junius claimant, vii. 206. Kay, Clerk of the Green Cloth, viii. 271. Keeler (Rear- Admiral), xi. 412. Kelsall (John), Mayor of Chester, xii. 157. Kennet (B.), Vicar of Bradford, vii. 217. Kennett (Bishop White), his father, i. 73. Ken- nett arms, vii. 506. Kent, East Indiaman, x. 477. Keyes (Thomas), viii. 147. Laconic letters, v. 171, 197. Ladies riding sideways, viii. 235. ' Letters left at the Pastry-Cook's,' x. 475. " Lombard Street to a China orange," viii. 136. Mannings and Tawell, i. 255. Mason (Sir John), x. 487. Majors elected in churches, xii. 337. Mead (Dr. William), v. 337. Men of family as parish clerks, viii. 517. Military canal at Sandgate, xii. 334. Monoux (George), viii. 91 ; x. 57. Muscovy Company : Baltic Company, vi. 252. Napoleon's carriage, x. 275. Neale (Admiral) and Atkinson family, viii. 418. Nelson and Walmer Castle, viii. 310. " Now thus," x. 502. Oxford University Volunteers, v. 216. Parry and Perry families, xii. 435. Peirce (Sir Edmund), Kt., viii. 490. Penny wares, ii. 415 ; iii. 17. Pharos at Dover Castle, vi. 393. Pightle : pikle, v. 470. Pil- grims' Ways, ii. 212. Pincerna (Richard), ii. 92. Polish Dragoons : Jager, xi. 256. Poll-books, viii. 76. Princess Royal, the title, viii. 35. Public service, long, vii. 7. Radcliffe (Ann), iv. 76. Rendez-vous, v. 306. Renzi (Sir Matthew de), x. 433. Ruby Wedding, xii. 55. St. Bridget's Bower, i. 137. St. Leger family, vi. 406. Salford : Saltersford : Saltersgate, x.

337. Seaman (Dutton), City Comptroller, xi.

29. Sea-urchin, vi. 73. Ships renamed after the Restoration, xi. 73. Skrimshander, vi. 517. Snodgrass as a surname, x. 113. ' Sobriquets and Nicknames,' vii. 431. " Star and Garter Tavern," Pall Mall, x. 296. ' Steer to the Nor'- Nor'-West,' iv. 132. Stowe (Mrs. H. Beecher) on Byron, xii. 370. Stubbs (George), ix. 250. Stubbs (Sir T. W.), ii. 189 ; iii. 98. Sweers (Cornelius), viii. 230. Thompson (Mr.), of 6th Dragoons, v. 432. Tildens of Tenterden, xii. 258. ' Times ' as " The Thunderer," ix. 397. Trafalgar : last survivor, iv. 485. Turner (J. M. W.) and Sandgate, v. 127. Vachell, ix. 474. Vastern, v. 198. Violinists, female, v. 454. Vowels on monuments, v. 169. Ward (Baron), ii. 296. Webb (Richmond), xi. 297. Weed=tobacco, ix. 274. Will, shortest, v. 206. William III.'s horse, ix. 377. William of Wykeham, i. 278. Wilson ("Jock"), ix. 273. Woman with masculine name, ix. 518. ' Yong Souldier,' i. 477. Yorkshire dialect, iv. 190


G, hard or soft, its pronunciation, vi. 129, 190, 236 ;

vii. 114

G. on Child's (Miss) elopement, x. 293. Children at executions, x. 298. Dickens on half -baptized, x. 294. Flying machines, xii. 417. Macaulay on Dryden, xii. 375. Military bank-note : Fort Montague, xi. 17. Parliamentary applause : its earliest use, x. 296. Purfly, its meaning, xi. 292. Wortley family of Barnsley, x. 209 G. (A.) on authors of quotations wanted, x. 448. " Badger in the bag," i. 289. Cote (Nanny Natty) : Lucy Locket, xi. 268. Dutch boy and the dyke, xii. 50. El-Serujah, x. 469. " Feed the brute," i. 348. Marshall (Stephen), ix. 517. Three tailors of Tooley Street, ii. 468. Wislez (Mile. C.), vi. 289, 396 '

G. (A. B.) on Shakespeare statuette, xii. 245 G. (A. J. C.) on Samuel Nettleship, viii. 170. G. (A. W.) on City poU-books, vi. 328. ' History of Parish Registers,' ix. 170. Provincial book- sellers, v. 492 G. (B. H.) on corks, ii. 391 G. (D.) on " lie " in Scotch documents, xii. 388 G. (E. N.) on Scott illustrators, vii. 10 ; ix. 378 G. (F.) on glowworm or firefly, i. 47. Robin a

Bobbin, i. 172

G. (F. W.) on blood used in building, iii. 372 G. (G. G.) on Polinda and Albarosa, vii. 190.

" What wants that knave ? " vii. 169 G. (G. H.) on authors wanted, vi. 368 ; xi. 88 G. (G. J.) on Dickens quotation, viii. 210 G. (H. C.) on German quotation, i. 248 G. (I.) on springs flowing to the south, vii. 90 G. (I. B.) on Canadian natural dyes, x. 348 G. (J.) on Compter Prison, iii. 254. French novel, ii. 129. Gainsborough, architect, c. 1300, xi. 449. Gainsborough's descendants, xi. 169. Gainsborough's wife, x. 509. Portrait, c. 1790, vi. 170

G. (J. D.) on authors of quotations, viii. 508 G. (J. P.) on Oxford epigram, x. 367 G. (J. R. F.) on ' Merry Thoughts in a Sad Place,*

i. 193. " Was you ? " and " You was," ii. 72 G. (J. R. H.) on authors of quotations wanted,

vii. 374. Napoleon's carriage, vii. 357 G. (J. W.) on arms of Lincoln, i. 168. Dowdall's ' Traditionary Anecdotes of Shakespeare,' i. 128 G. (L. I.) on Vicomte de Cr&nail, ix. 50, 277 G. (L. P.) on peacock as a Christmas symbol, v. 69