Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - General Index.djvu/119

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Genealogical queries, viii. 189 Genealogical research, iv. 246 ; aids to, vi. 345 Genealogies in preparation, iv. 467 Genealogist on Bight Hon. William Conolly, vi. 354. Courtesy titles and remarriage, vi. 209, 472. Docwra (Sir Henry), ix. 31, 215. Sargent (H. Martyn), ix. 228, 335. Scully family of Tipperary, viii. 347 Genealogist's Guide,' Marshall's supplement to,

vii. 347 ; viii. 52, 153

Genealogy, new sources of, i. 187, 218, 258, 396, 512 ; American; ii. 63 ; xi. 49, 175 ; in Dumas, ii. 427, 496 ; vii. 137 ; middle-class family, vi. 48 ; county royal descents, ix. 148 ; Italian, x. 449 ; xi. 14, 73 ; circulating library pro- posed, xi. 5, 78 ; missing compilations, 347 Generals and the enemy, saying about, xii. 268 Generosus, English equivalent of the word, vii. 109 Generous, use of the word in A.V., xi. 246 Genesis, a children's game, iii. 238 Geneva and Calvin, phrase connecting, xii. 67 Genevieve Collection, its whereabouts, ii. 369 Genius, its definition, ii. 24, 94 ; viii. 320 ; and heredity, vii. 170, 236, 433 ; musical, viii. 33 ' Genius by Counties,' iv. 287, 329, 474 Gennadius (J.) on Gibbon, ch. Ivi. note, iv. 8] , 370.

Mediterranean, xi. 10

Genoa, Rubens's ' Palaces of Genoa,' i. 267 " Gentle " Shakespeare, use of the word by Ben

Jonson, iii. 69, 169, 290

' Gentleman," by letters patent, iv. 88 ; Glouces- tershire definition, xi. 109, 172 Gentleman, first, in Europe, ii. 309 Gentlemanly, use of the word, ii. 24, 93 Gentlemen's evening dress, changes in, vii. 48, 95 Geography, Shakespeare's knowledge of, i. 51 ; x.


Geology, bibliographies of, vi. 229, 291 Geordie on miners' greeting, iv. 391 George I., and turnips, ii. 288, 349 ; the nightingale

and death, vii. 409 ; viii. 57, 192, 354 George II., Luna coinage, 1745, ix. 290 George III., his birthday, iv. 26, 173 ; Thackeray on, 148, 273 ; his daughters, i\. 167, 236, 291, 336, 493 ; v. 37, 192 ; viii. 29 ; and Sydenham Wells, iv. 389 ; his linguistic peculiarities, vii. 87 ; Southy's 'Authentic Memoirs ' of, viii. 27, 72; and Hannah Lightfoot, viii. 321, 402, 483 ; ix. 24, 122, 264 ; and Lady Sarah Lennox, viii. 387 ; and Chiswick High Boad, ix. 2C George IV., the first gentleman in Europe, ii. 309 ; Chantrey's statue of, iii. 448 ; an appreciation, iv. 365 ; his coronation and Mrs. Fitzherbert, v. 227, 292 ; Byron on the Prince Begent, vi. 165 ; ' Diary illustrative of Times of,' viii. 387, 455 ; and John Barrow, ix. 308 ; his early household, x. 390 George I.-IV., their statues in London, vii. 66,

155 197

George (H.) on Whitty Tree, i. 469 George (Capt. Thorne) on capsicum, i. 73. Celtic titles, i. 14. Dee (Dr.), his magic mirror, i. 16. Envelopes, i. 133. Grenadier Guards, i. 30. Marriage registers, i. 9. Mary, Queen of Scots, i. 36. " Welsh rabbit," i. 70 ' George, P'ce of Salm Salm," ii. 249 George as a Christian name, vii. 308, 375, 455, 513 Georgia, W T illiam Stephens, President of, i. 144,

216, 334 ; colony of, its foundation, vi. 345 Georgian nobility, their ancestry, vi. 410 Gerald and Garrett surnames, xii. 345 Gerard (E.) on suppression of duelling in England, ii. 367

Gerard (Ebenezer), artist, c. 1813-25 ; x. 446, 517 Gerard (Sir William), Lord Chancellor of Ireland,

his parentage, v. 369

Gerbier (Sir Balthasar), his descendants, iii. 487 Gerish (W. B.) on anchorites' dens, iii. 391. Bell customs at Sibson, xi. 16. Bell-ringing at weddings, xii. 308. Bequests payable in church porch, iv. 369. Blooding a witch, ix. 328. " Blow the cobwebs away," xi. 253. Break- spear (Nicholas), Pope Adrian IV., xi. 71. Burial half within a church, xi. 230. Carlyle on the Griffin, xi. 114. Chauncy (Sir Henry), i. 66. Chauncy correspondence, iv. 265. Chim- ney-stacks, iv. 128. Clutterbuck (R.) on Thurtell and Weare, xii. 283. Commemorative tablets, i. 367. Cromwell (Bobina), iv. 376. ' D.N.B.' : additions and corrections, ix. 182. Epitaph at Hunsdon, ix. 27. Epitaphiana, xi. 504. Field memorials to sportsmen, xi. 116, 297. Freeholders in time of Elizabeth, xi. 72. Garlic : onions for purifying water, xi. 173. Gibbets, iv. 251. Girdlestone, xii. 78. Goose with the golden feathers, xi. 145. Hare fore- casting fire, xi. 310. Hen, white, xii. 16. Hertford county biography, ii. 47. ' His end was peace," x. 517. Hocktide at Hexton, xi.

488. Hudson (Geoffrey), the dwarf, x. 518. Incut, its meaning, xi. 257. ' Je ne viens qu'en mourant," iii. 50. Luppinos of Hertford and Ware, v. 289. Maid of the Mill, x. 350. Marriage House, i. 33. Maud House, c. 1300, xi. 18. Mayers' Song, i. 7. Mead (Dr. William), v. 228. Miller of Hide Hall, iii. 376. Monu- mental brasses in Meyrick collection, v. 8. Names terrible to children, xi. 53. Norden s 4 Speculum Britannia,' iv. 75. ' Notes and Queries,' local, iii. 255. Piper's Hole, ix. 334. Place-names : their etymology, xi. 398. Poll- books, vii. 349. Potter's Bar : Seven Kings, xi. 234. Pre-Beformation parsonages, ix. 37. Quick Wood, Clothall, x. 308. Babbits for luck, xi. 258. Boman death duties, ix. 10. St. Sunday, xi. 276. Salmon (Nathaniel), x.

489. Sawbridgeworth legend, xii. 366. Scrope (Adrian), xi. 33. Shakespeare (John), ix. 9. " Spanish strapps " : " Morbus Gallicus, xi. 49. Speech after removal of tongue, ix. 169. Wenham (Jane), Witch of Walkern, iv. 149. Wilbraham and Tabraham, x. 477. William the Conqueror and Barking, xii. 31. Witch- craft bibliography, xi. 386. Young (Edward), author of ' Night Thoughts,' xi. 34

Germain (Lady Elizabeth), portraits of, 11. >o,

156, 238 German Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, vm.

389 457 German Emperor, and the Fishmongers' Company,

iii. 148 ; and Poets Laureate, y. 187, 237, 315 German Encyclopaedia, best, viii. 389, 457 German-English dictionary, proper names in,

ii. 9 ; xi. 384.

German etchings dated 1833-48, ix. 468 German leather bindings, x. 369 ; xi. 117 German life, amusing book on, xi. 428 German literature, Pope's influence on, i. 209, 336 German place-name : Warlow, iii. 249, 335 German prophecy, i. 396 German quotation : ' Ohne Phosphor kein

Gedanke," i. 248, 335

German reprint of Leigarraga's books, i. 284, 315 German Volkslied, " Es ist bestimmt," &c., ii.

327, 351, 371 Germans and Czechs, their antangonism, iv. 187