Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - General Index.djvu/13

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Aldworth (A. E.) on Aldworth of Berkshire, vii.

50. Gilbert (Adrian), vii. 90. Preaching in

New England, iv. 329 Aldworth family of Berkshire, vii. 50 Aldwych, derivation of the name, i. 205 ; in- augurated, iv. 361, 410, 433, 451 Ale : " humming ale," use of the phrase, ix. 107 Ales, love, use of the term, iv. 35 Alexander (W. H.) and the National Portrait

Gallery, x. 329, 476 Alexander family of Ireland and Scotland, ix.

28,98 Alexander the Great, Tartar legend of, vii. 126 ;

story of his wry neck, viii. 369, 436 Alexandra (Queen), her surname, ii. 529 ; iii.

114, 174, 351, 412 Alexandra Institute for the Blind, its history,

x. 187, 232 ; xii. 68

Alexandrian Library at Milan, ix. 188 ; x. 158 Aleyn (John), law reporter. See Alleyn. Alfonso (King), and Queen Victoria of Spain, their

marriage, v. 447 ; vii. 6 ; origin of the name,

vi. 25

Algarva, meaning of the word, iii. 127, 194 Alger (J. G.) on Thompson Cooper, i. 337. Greig

(Admiral Sir Samuel), i. 492. Link with the

past, ii. 407. Reign of Terror, i. 174 Algonquin element in English, ii. 422 ; iii. 34, 77 Alias in sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, ii. 13 Alkali (Scrap Hager), authority on pearls, xi.

169, 218

Allan (David), painter, his biography, ix. 372 Allanbank on Lady Elizabeth Germain, ii. 238 ;

Palmer (Henry), iv. 288

Allart (Hortense) and E. and H. Bulwer, ix. 30, 56 Allchin (J. H.) on Caxton's birthplace, xii. 394 Allegro on life in Bombay, viii. 508 Allen : Gregory : Hampden families, viii. 249 Allen, motto of Louis II., Duke of Bourbon, iii.

208, 473

Allen (Ant.), of Bream's Buildings, 1751, v. 66, 133 Allen (F. S.) on " Agime ziphres," ii. 224 Allen ( W. G. ) on Cromwell's bed-linen, ii. 268 Allen (William) and Plaistow, 1795, viii. 189, 253 Alley = aisle, use of the term, xi. 267 Alleyn (Giles and Christopher), of Holy well, xii.


Alleyn (John), law reporter, c. 1681, iii. 344 ; iv. 416 Alleyne (T. and R.), College of God's Gift, i. 85 All Fools' Day, customs on, iii. 286, 333, 416 All Hallows, Barking, and Archbishop Kempe,

v. 13, 112

All Hallows E'en : tokens, xi. 6 4 Allied Armies before Sebastopol,' engraving,

xi. 189

Allin (John), minister of Odiham, 1650, ix. 389 Allison (T. M.) on pillion : flails, vii. 316 Alliteration: "An Austrian army awfully arrayed,"

its author, i. 120, 148, 211, 258, 277 ; iv. 146 Allonym, bibliographical term, x. 484 Allot (R.), errors in ' Englands Parnassus,' ix.

341, 401 ; x. 4, 84, 182, 262, 362, 444 ; xi. 4,

123, 204, 283, 383, 443, 502 ; xii. 235 All right, origin of the phrase, xii. 228, 314, 433 All Souls College, Oxford, and Archbishop

Chichele's descendants, v. 286, 454 Alltree family, ix. 349, 413, 456 Almack (E.) on Roger North's life of his brother,

ix. 201

Alma Mater on Mercury in Tom Quad, ii. 467 Almanac, c. 1744, iv. 486 Almanac, man in the, explained, ix. 408, 475 ;

x. 56, 118

Almanac designers, Oxford, ii. 428, 512 Almanacs : ' Poor Robin's,' c. 1744, v. 12, 155 ;

of 1544, 127 ; English literary, viii. 347 Almansa in ' Toledo and Madrid,' iv. 248, 315 Almar (Geo.), playwright and actor, vi. 108,

171 252 292

Almqvist (E.) on King Edward VII., iii. 327 Almshouses, interesting old, iv. 87 ; in Kingsland

Road, viii. 426 ; xi. 124 Almshouses or workhouses in America, vi. 289,


Alms light in parish church, ii. 348 Almsmen, Westminster Abbey, iv. 168, 236, 314 Aloe shown in Covent Garden, 1780, ix. 509 Alphabet, J. V. Decuyper's ' College,' v. 268, 451 Alphabetical skit, French, 1818, viii. 485 Alphabetism, bibliographical term, x. 484 Alsop (Vincent), Puritan author, xi. 47, 114, 195 Alter Ego on Maghull Yates, ix. 469 Alternate, use of the word, i. 47 Altham (A. S.) on English graves in Italy, ii. 307 Althorp (Lord) in the House of Commons, 1806,

xii. 6 Alvarez (Henry), S.J., and Henry Alway, iv.

126, 374 ; vi. 13

Alvary or Alvery, Christian name, xii. 309, 397, 416 Alveredus or Auveray, Christian name, xii, 397.


Alvery or Alvary, Christian name, xii. 309, 397,416 Alway (Henry) and Henry Alvarez, S.J., iv.

126, 374 ; vi. 13

Amaranth and Amintas legend, viii. 150 Amban, Tibetan title, i. 506 ; ii. 131 Ambassadors, Sir Henry Wotton on, vii. 250, 295 Ambassadors, French, in London, 1560-70, xi. 128 Amberelli (Marie), on Court of Requests, xii. 258 Amberskins, meaning of the word, iii. 309, 393 Ambition, Oliver Cromwell on, vii. 208, 435, 514 Amblestone Church, its ancient font, i. 488 Ambrose (John), University College graduate.

xi. 129

Amcotts (John), Westminster scholar, vii. 109 " Amel of Ujda," explanation of Amel, vii. 325, 515 America, Cheshire cat in, i. 365, 513 ; dates of beginnings of different States, iii. 326 ; Jacobite rebels transported to, iv. 66 ; early editions of Gibbon's ' Decline and Fall ' in, 405 ; early steam communication with, v. 467 ; work- houses or almshouses in, vi. 289, 455 ; Boulton & Watt in, 1786, viii. 326 ; English emigrants to, x. 326, 396 ; 5th of November in, xii. 364, 458 America v. United States, use of the terms, v. 510 American on Spare family, xii. 130 American Civil War, official history, iv. 527 American Civil War verses, iv. 229, 296, 354 American coin-names, vii, 36, 136, 154 American colonies and England, verses on, i. 105 American diplomas and degrees, their value,

i. 44, 207, 297

American emigrants, 1740-61, v. 147 ; records of, vi. 86, 136 ; sources of information as to, vi. 226 American flag, and Washington's arms, v. 60 American genealogies, xi. 49, 175 American Hygienic Press Association on vacuum

cleaning, xii. 308

American Indians, monuments to, xii. 87, 230, 358 American Loyalists compensated for losses during

the war, i. 269, 313, 390 American magazine conducted by factory workers,

vii. 469 ; viii. 354, 515 American military Order of the Dragon, ii. 347

412 American newspaper, first, 1690, ix;. 347