Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - General Index.djvu/142

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wise, ix. 493. Filberts : " When the Devil goes a-nutting," xii. 388. Frost prints, x. 433. George IV. : an appreciation, iv. 365. Going shopping, ii. 445. Lysons : sights in the moon, viii. 325. Man in the almanac, ix. 475. Mary, Queen of Scots, in Edinburgh Castle, viii. 249. Michell (John), Mayor of London, xii. 475. Moon and hair-cutting, iv. 234. Nelson and Lady Hamilton, xii. 261. Percy (Hugh), iii. 28. Piece-broker, iv. 391 ; v. 213. Pig and Kill- pig, i. 105. Playbills, earliest, i. 71. ' Poliphili Hypnerotomachia,' errors in, i. 4. St. Wini- fred and the Old Pretender, vi. 197. Shake- speare (John), bitmaker, x. 104. Shake- speariana, ii. 344. Sydney, 1789-1908, x. 261. Tickling trout, iii. 332. Tressac de Vergy, xi. 432. White Tree of Crockerton Hill, xii. 247. Women and pipes, xi. 378

Hodgson (J. C.) on Hamilton Brown, viii. 27. Colling wood's descendants, v. 49. Lindo or Lindot, portrait printer, v. 273. Robertson (Mrs. James), portrait painter, v. 304

Hodgson family, its genealogy, iv. 349

Hodgsons, book auctioneers, 1807-1907, viii. 246, 266, 285

Hodson (Lieut.) of the Indian Mutiny, viii. 348, 414

Hodson (L. G.') on Prior John at Brighton, ix. 477

Hodson (L. J.) on Attorney -General to the Queen, x. 217. " Before one can say Jack Robinson," xi. 232. Bourne in place-names, xi. 451. Court of Requests, xii. 258. Hodson family, x. 329. Richardson (Samuel), x. 96

Hodson (Nathaniel) = Anne Ferrers, viii. 150

Hodson (Major W. S. R.) of the Indian Mutiny, ix. 12

Hodson family, x. 329

Hoe, Plymouth, pronunciation of the name, v. 388

Hoe (Col. Richard) and the Napiers, printing- machine makers, xii. 345

Hoek van Holland, signification of the place- name, vii. 188, 236, 254, 473

Hoffman (Heinrich), his ' King Nutcracker,' iv. 508

Hog : hoga, words built on the base, vii. 401, 494 ; viii. 13

Hog, uses of the word, iv. 407, 449, 510, 536 ; v. 73

Hogan (J. F.) on cady, slang for a hat, x. 198. Crawford (Miss), Canadian poet, xii. 353. Drake (J. Rodman), xii. 497. Fenians in Western Australia, ix. 254. Hell, Heaven, and Paradise, i. 332. Never Never Land, xi. 9. Plains = timber-denuded lands, xii. 194. Ships' periodi- cals, xi. 418

Hogarth (James and Jane), memorial ring, iii. 87

Hogarth (W.), Act of Parliament bearing his name, i. 369 ; sale of his ' Wanstead Assembly,' iv. 49 ; his ' March to Finchley ' and " The King's Head," Hampstead Road, vi. 207, 276 ; his house at Chiswick, xii. 486

Hoggets = one-year-old sheep, as weather prophets, ix. 247

Hogling money, c. 1595, meaning of the term, xi. 130, 194

Hogmanay song, Orkney, xi. 5, 72, 177

Hogsflesh (William), cricketer, his death, viii. 28

Hogsflesh surname, its distribution, viii. 334, 394 ; ix. 14

Hogshead, derivation of the word, vii. 346

Hohenzollern (Prince von)=Madame de Mora, ix. 188

Hok pottage and Hockday, i. 187, 496 Holar, Bishops of, 1148-1408, ii. 67 Holbeach Church, effigy in, x. 228, 273 Holbeck, place-name, its derivation, xi. 448 ;

xii. 18 Holbein, subjects of his pictures, ix. 449, 497 ;

x. 38 Holborn, the place-name, ii. 308, 392, 457, 493 ;

iii. 56 ; v. 295, 338, 354, 514 ; " Black Bull,"

in, v. 367 ; " Napier Tavern," its destruction,

xi. 467, 515

Holborn and Bloomsbury manors, iii. 269 Holborn Hill, arms on " Old Bell '" Inn, iii. 366,

430 Holbourne (Lady Anne), memorial inscription,

vii. 2 Holbrook (Mrs. Ann Catharine), her publications,

vii. 352

Holden (Henry) and Hubert A. Holden, x. 264 Holden (Hubert A.) and Henry Holden, x. 264 Holden (R. M.) on 7th Light Dragoons, xi. 374 Holden family, vii. 188, 233 Holderness families, xii. 149, 211 Holdich (Benjamin) on Crowland Abbey, v. 509 Hole Bole, " Le," sign in Honey Lane, xii. 348,


Holed-stone folk-lore, vii. 26, 157 Holford (Christopher) on Jacob Cole, xii. 476 Holinsworth (C. B.) on glowworm or firefly, i. 112.

Southcott (Joanna), and black pig, xi. 354 Holland (Cornelius), M.P., his biography, v. 287 Holland (J.) on Court Leet in Portland, viii. 148 Holland (J. B.) on " Fountain " Tavern, iv. 289.

Gilby (Antony), viii. 131. Simcoe (General),

and Domingo, iv. 290 Holland (Rev. Richard), c. 1656-1706, parentage

and offspring, v. 88

Holland (T. J.) on Rev. Richard Holland, v. 88 Holland (W. R.) on Bidding prayer, vii. 72.

Bossing, vii. 135. Kit's Coty House, iv. 247.

Oxe-aye, vi. 234. ' Oxford Ramble,' iv. 472.

Prisoner suckled by his daughter, iv. 432 ; vi.

172. Rime v. rhyme, vi. 332. St. Columba's

Well, vi. 455. Smith in Latin, v. 152. Holland, seventeenth-century English exiles in,

v. 148

Holland, Gulix, textile fabric, xi. 470 ; xii. 12 Holland, Hoek van, signification of the place-name,

vii. 188, 236, 254, 473 Hollandtyde, its meaning, ii. 420 Holies (Gervaise), his church notes and other MSS.,

i. 208, 251 ; and the aurora borealis in Lincoln- shire, 242 Holleck or Hollicke Manor, co. Middlesex, iii. 387,

435 ; iv. 36, 77

Holloway (John), M.P. for Wallingford, x. 510 Holloway (M. M.) and the MSS. of Count A. de

Panignano, iii. 8, 94

Holloway (Sir Richard), his biography, iii. 43 Holluschickie, meaning of the term, xii. 48, 94 Holly, oaths sworn on bough of, v. 167 ; and

lightning, 167 ; as browse for cattle, xii. 428,


Holly Lodge, High-gate, its sale, vii. 487 ; horse- shoe superstition, ix. 154 Holm and mastick trees, their modern names,

v. 489

Holman (H. W.) on Theod. vand. Hooch, vi. 468 Holme Pierrepont church and library, ii. 149, 295,


Holmes (M. A. F.) on palindrome, iv. 175 Holmes (Oliver Wendell) on citizenship, vii. 249,

297, 475